Tuesday, January 15, 2008

32 years young

So, I turned 32 yesterday. It is even hard for me to believe since I still feel like a freshman in college sometimes (until I actually see freshman in college and then I realize, wow, I really am old.) Anyway, it was a pretty uneventful day, as it was a Monday, but, there were still a few surprises and some fun to be had. The day went as usual, kids to school, errands to run with Nicolas, etc etc. Joe came home a bit early since we were planning on going out to dinner as a family. He came home and asked if I wanted my present. Um, YES!!! So he goes to the car, makes a lot of noise (which I thought was a cover for something) and then comes in with.......
Yes, he got me/us two kitties! They are really cute but still very skiddish so hopefully they will warm up to such a noisy bunch. We still aren't sure if we are going to keep them. The people said they would take them back if it didn't work out, but I have really been missing our kitties lately. Their names are Zima (for one of Joe's old cats, that is the one on the left) and Gnocchi is the colorful one. Zima is a boy and Gnocchi is a girl. So, not a bad surprise if I do say so myself. So far they have spent most of their first day hiding in the their litter box. They did eat, so that is good and I am just leaving it up to them to come out when they feel ready. It might take them a while to get used to the house and the kids but the boys are so excited!!!

1 comment:

megkingjohnson said...

That Joe! He's always up to something, isn't he?? You're a lucky, gal. And Happy Birthday!!! We'll try to call you soon so we can chat and wish it to you "live." And just think: the older you get, the closer we get in age...think about it....hmmm....talk soon ;-)