Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas 2007!

Ok, so you might think this will be my last Christmas post, but not so. This is just from Christmas with Joe's family. We have yet to do Christmas with my family so more to come!

Anyway, we had a wonderful time in Murrieta, CA where Joe's sister and family live. They have a little boy, Gavin, just one month older than Nico, so we had lots of fun with all 4 boys. We of course had a visit from Santa, but thrown in there was a birthday party for uncle Benjy who turned 30 on Christmas Day, and Daddy Joe who turned 25 (again) on the 23rd. We spent a lot of time setting up presents on Christmas Eve (we have learned that there is pretty much nothing worse than getting a toy and NOT being able to play with it immediately) and just hanging out. We went to a place called Mulligans where they had go carts and lazer tag and lots of other fun stuff for the kids (and grown-ups too) to do. It was a wonderful time together and we look forward to seeing my family in a few days. We always miss the family and friends we can't see this time of year and pray that you are all happy and healthy and heading into 2008 renewed and refreshed.

We made cookies, listened to Christmas music, watched the Grinch, It's A Wonderful Life, and of course, A Charlie Brown Christmas. The kids were ready to come home, however, and set have their new toys meet their old ones and just get back to their routine. The babies were adorable together and while cousin Gavin seems like he is certainly taking strides a bit faster than Nico (he walks and talks already) we are learning that Nico is a constant observer and takes everything in and can be pretty sneaky at times. He is quiet when he needs to be and babbles constantly other times.
Here are just a few pics from the festivities.

Friday, December 21, 2007

New years changes

Ok, so I have a LOOOONG list of resolutions, too many to share here. I will share one, however. One was to be more spontaneous. So, I started early. New hair is a risky but great way to be spontaneous! Plus, I was tired of Nico constantly pulling mine whenever I picked him up. This was I can be cute and not get my hair ripped out all the time! Just wanted to share. Oh, Joe cut his hair too. No pics to show, you will have to imagine it yourselves. Short, shaved, the usual buzz cut, but I like it!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas and Spiderman (men)

Only a week to go. I am not sure if I am simply exhausted and a bit delirious or simply so excited I feel like I am walking on air. I think it is probably a little of both. While the craziness of Christmas shopping has taken its toll and I am definitely tired of looking for parking spots and standing in line, I am still ready for the cookies, egg nog, family, and coziness that Christmas brings. Here are just some pics of the kids doing what they do best, being kids. Enjoy and if I don't post before Christmas I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.
Santa's newest elf.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It's Christmas time, still

Christmas is in 14 days. My initial reaction is, nu uh! But oh yes, this month is almost half over and I still haven't sent out my Christmas cards or finished shopping. I feel that three kids has slowed me down a bit. I can't imagine why.

Well, regardless of how behind I may be in pretty much everything I always have time for photos. This weekend we took pics with family friends and here are just a few of my favorites. I left some out as they will be surprises in your Christmas cards! I love you all and I hope you are enjoying this season. I am not sure what is better, the anticipation or Christmas actually arriving. And I am not talking only about the presents and egg nog and Christmas dinners. No, I am talking about the Eternal gift we celebrate this time of year. How lucky we are to know Jesus and even luckier to be able to express that love. Let's not forget that the greatest gift has already been given, for all of us. Praise the Lord.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Just some pics

Just wanted to post some pics I took recently of the kids. Enjoy.

All I want for Christmas...

As I said before, there will be many Christmas posts. This isn't necessarily a Christmas post per se, but since it is Christmas time, that is what we will call it.

I am sitting here in my sunny kitchen on a lovely 72 degree San Diego December day. I do love where I live, I do. While snow would be ever so lovely, being able to take my kids to a playground any day of the year really does make this mommy very happy. I know if I lived somewhere else I would adjust, find things to do with the kids, but for now I am happy to be here.

The kids are trouble today. After an hour of struggling to get them down for naps (all 3 that is, usually the baby is asleep lickity split) I did some cleaning and now I am relaxing by writing our Christmas letter and shopping online for a few more gifts. This time of year always brings to mind family and friends who we don't get to see very often. Of course the dream is to have all your loved ones close, right? In theory. But the more I think about it the more I realize that the dream isn't nearly as great as the reality. Is the ideal really to try and gel everyone into the same mold? I don't think so. Of course years ago people just didn't travel all that far from home, that is why families stayed close. Is this the demise of our culture? I don't think so. At least not from my perspective. I love that my children get to visit grandm and grandpa in Minnesota. I love that I get to visit Minnesota. I love that they get to go fishing with grandma in any number of lakes near their home. I love that they get to rake leaves and play in the snow and see horses down the street. Those are things they will never get to experience here. It makes the journey to see family more than just a trip, it makes it an adventure, one they talk about for weeks after returning home. I love that when we visit Joe's family in Arizona there are cactus and mountains. Grandma Nonna always wants to go bowling, and so we do. In Bakersfield grandma and grandpa have a pool and spa and a big back yard where the kids can run for hours! Imagine trying to mesh all of this into one place. It just wouldn't work. That place would lose so much of the magic that the individual places hold. There would be none of the excitement and anticipation we all feel when getting ready to visit someone. Whether it is because we get to fly on a plane or ride in the car and watch movies on the DVD player (something that only happens on long car rides). Whatever the case may be, we have come to appreciate our family much more because seeing them is such a gift.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas time is here!!

I love Christmas. I do. I know a few posts ago I said I loved fall, which I do, but I REALLY love Christmas. We have our decrations up, the boys helped as much as they could. Those of you with kids, did you or do you rearrange the ornaments after the kids put all theirs in the same 4x4 square inches of tree? Well, I did, but it is worth it to watch them get excited each time you unwrap an ornmanent and hand it to them to put up. It is fun to have kids who are old enough to understand Christmas, what it means, and how special it is. It is exciting to be able to start traditions and and have the kids help think of new ones as well.

Of course there is much talk about Christmas lists and what we want Santa to bring. Everyday the boys' lists change, but Santa already has their gifts locked in. I think they will be pleased. This year I am trying to focus on the real gift, Jesus. We will make a cake and sing Happy Birthday.

The boys all have matching jammies for the season and they are just adorable!

There will be many more Christmas posts to follow. Hope you are all well.