Thursday, January 28, 2010

What the kids are doing and saying

Alright, week two of blogging is underway.  I am not counting my Dolce Dishes in the blogging goal, just FYI.  So, what has happened this week that is blog worthy?  It seems like every time something happens and I think, oh, I should go blog that right now, I don’t.  So, I will try to remember. 

First off, I got my house cleaned.  It is amazing to have your entire house cleaned at one time.  That hasn’t happened in a long time.  I can maybe get one room done a day and then by the time the entire house is done I have to start over!  So, this is such a treat.  However, it also reminds me out grossly inadequate I am as a housekeeper.  I will use the kids as an excuse.  I just don’t have the time to really deep clean anything.  Someone needs a diaper, or a snack, or a band aid, etc etc.  Or it could be that it just isn’t my forte.  Probably a combination of both.  So, the house is clean and I am happy.  We also were able to buy a new carpet steam cleaner for Joe’s office and test it out here.  It works really well!  Not as great as a professional cleaning of course, but it gets the spots up and cleans the high traffic areas really well, which is all I wanted in the end.  So, for now my house is like a brand new home.  Well, almost.  Nicolas promptly spilled an entire glass of lemonade on my freshly cleaned kitchen floor the day the house was cleaned.  And you know how sticky that is, and how hard it to get it all up.  I am still finding sticky spots.  Oh well.  It was nice while it lasted.

On to the kids.  Anthony has started a new program at school where they bring home a book each day and they can only return it after they have read the entire thing.  The teacher helps them pick a book that is at or slightly above their reading level, so Anthony’s books have been kind of lengthy.  He has read each book in a day so he can return it the following day and get a new one.  He is really enjoying this system.  Before it was hard to get him to do his at home reading, I think because he has already read all the books we have, so this is much more interesting for him.  We have learned about Spy Tools and Dangerous Jobs, and of course, Sharks!  He is doing so well in school and really loves it.  He comes home every day with a smile and a ton of stories. 

Dom is loving school too and it is exciting to think about how much he will excel in Kindergarten next year after being in the program he is this year.  He will go to Anthony’s school and he can’t wait.  We are gearing up for spring sports, namely soccer at the YMCA.  They will do the spring league and hopefully after that we will know better if that is a sport either of them really like or if something else might be better for them.  I also plan on signing them up for karate again and also putting them in an art class.  They both have the “gift” as Joe calls it.  With a grandma and two uncles who are artists it isn’t a surprise, but they both spend a lot of time drawing and coloring and really enjoy creating. 

Nicolas, Nicky, little devil, what have you.  The kid has officially entered the two’s, even though in 2 months he will be 3!  He is by far our most stubborn and I don’t think potty training is helping anything.  I know this too shall pass but it is rough going, especially when you are in Target and he has thrown himself on the floor in a fit and you are kind of frozen as to what to do.  Now, he is still adorable and smart and wonderful too. This morning we were getting dressed and he has started caring about what he wears.  Neither of the other two were ever like that.  So, I picked out his pants and he wanted to pick his shirt.  He walks to the closet and pulls down a nice button down shirt and brought it to me and said “I want to wear church, mommy”.  So, he looks super dapper today in his “church” shirt.  Also this morning we took him potty and had to take off all his jammies and diaper so he was naked at the end of it all.  We put his pull up on and then I asked him where his jammies were.  His response, “I don’t really know.”  Such a comedian. 

It is a busy, crazy, wonderful life we lead here in San Diego.  more to come…

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