Saturday, January 23, 2010

New years resolutions

Joe and I make a list of resolutions each year.  We have yet to keep any of them, so this year we didn’t make a list.  However, I have made a few personal goals that I would like to meet this year.  The first was learning how to knit.  For those who might be confused with the things I already make, I crochet.  Knitting scared me, so it was my goal to conquer it this year.  My mom and dad were there for the initial portion of this goal.  It wasn’t pretty.  I was cranky and annoyed and wanted to give up almost immediately.  But then I remembered how I felt about crocheting at first; the same way.  So I stuck it out.  First was a small, and slightly irregular, washcloth, but I finished it.  Then I started a baby blanket which was just one stitch over and over, I figured that was easy enough.  I am still working on that.  Then I discovered that I could make cute little neck warmers really fast if  used thicker yarn and bigger needles.  Hallalujah!!  I could finish a project in one night, just like crocheting.  So, here are the first examples of my knitting capabilities as of January 23rd, 2010.  While I have sort of achieved my goal of learning to knit, I would really like to get good at it, good enough to say I am a knitter.  DSC01600DSC01604So, there you have it.  My first goal of 2010 is met.  my other personal goal was to blog once a week.  I feel like our lives are moving so fast and the kids are saying and doing so many amazing, hilarious, and important things that if I don’t document them they will forever be lost.  The funniest thing that comes to mind right now is about Nicolas.  He gets a lot of press, but that is because he is still in that adorable stage of learning to communicate.  So, we are potty training.  So far things are going well.  He will pee in the potty no problem.  Of course it is getting him to do “the other” that is proving difficult.  For those of you who know my children, you remember that Anthony had a “poop fish” (a toy fish that swam on it’s own) on top of our entertainment center for almost a year before he decided pooping in the potty was ok.  So, Nico as an entire Hershey’s chocolate bar (he will get a few pieces the first time he poops).  It is up on the counter in the bathroom so he can see if every time he goes.  The other day after he had successfully gone #1 I asked if he wanted to try going #2.  He said yes, then promptly got off the potty.  Then he saw the chocolate bar.  He wanted some, of course.  I reminded him that he had to poop in the potty to get the candy.  Then I asked him, “what do you have to do to get that candybar?”  His response, “get a ladder.”  The candy has been moved into the medicine cabinet and out of site. 

Ok, so, keep my honest about blogging weekly.   

Oh, here is some video of what the storms did to our yard.

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