Monday, May 18, 2009

When it rains, it doesn't just pour, it deluges!

So, you all know about Nico. I won't go into details with his latest antics, I will simply say; he has eaten toothpaste, filled up a huge bowl with water from the sink and spilled it, put his monkey in the toilet, and poured aftershave all over the floor. So, that is that. Now I also have two boys with pink eye (recovering, but still a pain) 1 husband who still has a staph infection in his elbow, and we still need renters for our house and to find a new rental of our own! It seems like I should be really frazzled, but I am not. Somehow the Lord is giving me peace amongst the chaos. Not to say that I haven't had my moments over the last couple days, but for the most part, I am doing ok. Hope you are all doing well yourselves.

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