Saturday, May 16, 2009

Just my life over the last few days

Ok, so I really don't want to sound like I am complaining. I mostly want to document the last few days so I can look back and laugh because at the moment I am walking around in a daze. So, Nicolas. Where to start. The kid needs to be a spy or something. I have never known a kid as stealthy and determined. Many of you know that for a while we had to put all our chairs and bar stools up because he would climb and get into trouble. Well, I thought we had passed that stage so for the last month or so all the chairs have been down and he hasn't gotten into anything! That is until last weekend. He pushed a bar stool to the back counter where I keep the dish soap, knives, bananas, and other random things I don't want him or the other kids getting into. But as I mentioned, he is determined. So he grabs a banana and the soap and pours about a cup all over the banana. Then he grabs a steak knife and cuts the banana several times. Thank goodness I found him before he cut himself or tried to eat his creation! A couple days later he pushed the bar stool to our other counter with the coffee pot. He took my freshly poured mug, drank and spilled a bunch, then tried to refil the mug wtih creamer, which of course spilled all over him, the counter, and the floor. Yesterday he woke up completely naked, diaper and jammies off. Then he tried to take everything off two more times. This morning, same thing, diaper and jammy bottoms off. Now again with the bar stool, pushed it to coffee counter OPENED THE CABINET and helped himself to a mug. Luckily I heard him before he tried to pur himself some coffee!!! And last but not least, he once again pushed a chair to the back counter where I had accidentally left the milk out after making smoothies. It did have the lid on, but he twisted the lid off, found a cup, and poured himself a big old glass, of course spilling most of it on the counter, cabinets, floor, and chair he used to climb on. He then carried it all the way to the couch, without spillng nearly as much as I would have thought considering how full the glass was.

So, I am tired, needless to say. The kid needs a dog bell.

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