Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Year

Hi all. I know it has been way too long. In an attempt to document the things our kids say and do I am posting another blog full of Dominisms and Nico cuteness.

The age of Star Wars has begun at our house. The boys all have light sabers, they have a Star Wars video game they love to play, they have seen some of the classic star wars movies as well as some of the new ones as well. They play light saber battle all the time. During one such battle Anthony and Dom come bounding into the family room and I hear Dom say" I'm going to pay you for this!" If you could have seen the serious look on his face it would have cracked you up even more. We use that one alot now.

Nico has turned into such a little talker these days. He is stringing two and three words together and the simple fact that he can communicate his wants and desires more easily makes my life so much nicer! But he is a little comic that is for sure. One of his new favorite things to do is to get one of his brothers' Buzz Lightyear toys (it is like a big action figure) and lay him down on one of our end tables. Then he goes and gets a package of diapers and brings them to the table all the while chanting "ucky biaper" which of course means "yucky diaper" which is what we say when we change him. Then he proceeds to try and put a diaper on Buzz. One of the cutest things he does now is how he answers pretty much any question. When he asks for more of anything he says "More drink, ok" and then shakes his head up and down. If he really wants to emphasize his desire he adds a "yeah" with the head nod.

Rather than being cute Anthony just amazes us with the things he knows. He can name every dinosaur and pronounce the names accurately. Not only that, he can READ all the names. He has several dinosaur books and I have to ask for his help in pronouncing the names when I read it to him. He knows more about the dinosaurs than most people and wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up. He is such a little sponge and it is so cool to watch him learn.

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