Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The latest

Hey all. OK, I promise no politics this time. Just some good, old fashioned stories about the kiddos. I know, so strange and unpredictable of me. I have to say, Joe and I have a hard time keeping up with all the creative, hilarious, and sometimes awful things our kids say, but we try. We had a list going for a long time but ran out of room and never added more paper. I think the addition of another child hampered our efforts at documenting even the simplest of quotes.

The first story isn't actually a quote but rather an event. My friend Lesley was over on Monday and I made the kids shells and cheese. Dom and Mack were having fun eating and sticking the noodles on the ends of their tongues or fingers. Not wanting to be outdone, Nicolas put one in each ear. Luckily Mack informed me before he shoved them too far in. Unfortunately no one saw him stick one up his nose. I looked over and he had his finger in his nose and was making a funy face. I knew right away what had happened. Let me just say, moms, be sure to have tweezers in your house. For whatever reason I had none and so I tried to think of another way to get the noodle out of his nose. He had crammed it pretty far up in there and I started having visions of it drifting into his eye cavity or having to have surgery to remove it. I tried using our battery powered nose aspirator (you suck boogers out with it) but that only shoved it further in. Eventually I took Dom and Nico to the drug store and got some tweezers. It was all to no avail, the noodle was too squishy and I couldn't get a good grip on it with the tweezers. So, I put him down for his nap with a noodle up his nose. Anthony and I even made up a nick name for him, noodle nose Nico. Joe was home by the time he woke up and took a look up his nose and said he could see the noodle and wanted a try and extracting. So, he got the tweezers and managed to work it down to a point where I could squeeze it out of his nose. I know, too much info, but it is what it is. It was bigger than I thought and I am glad it is out of there, for his and my sakes.

As long as we are talking about not so funny moments in my kids' lives, let's move on to yesterday morning. Anthony and daddy were getting ready to leave for the day and Dom was following Anthony around as usual. Let's just say that Anthony is not fond of mornings, or at least mornings where he has to get ready for school, and Dom was bugging him just a little too much. I didn't see this happen, but as Joe put it, Dom flew backward like from a scene in a movie. Anthony had pushed him out of annoyance. Daddy had to get involved and that is serious business. So far there have been no more pushing incidents that I am aware of.

Now for a nice story. I may have already told this one, but one day a few weeks ago we were going to pick Anthony up from school and as we parked the car Dom says "Thanks for the ride, pretty lady." It still makes me smile. Such a goof ball.

And let me just praise my kids for a minute. We went to the La Brea Tar Pits on Sat, which is in LA. What should have only been a 1.5 hour drive ended up being close to 2.5 hours and the kids were so great the entire time!!!! I was so proud of them.

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