Tuesday, October 28, 2008

More fall fun

I feel as though I have missed out on most of October. We have had something going on almost every weekend and we are coming up on a family wedding in which the two older boys will be ring bearers. But, this doesn't mean we haven't had our share of fall fun, or haven't gotten into the Halloween spirit. Last night we carved pumpkins and had a great time. I should say that daddy carved the pumpkin while the boys helped a little and mommy watched. It was really cute, at one point Nicolas kept wanting to put all the pumpkin insides back into the pumpkin. Such a little cleaner. And when he did take stuff out he made the funniest face, like he grossed out or something. So cute. I don't have any photos of the pumpkin yet, but those will come. Also, I added some photos on Nico wearing his Batman backpack. So cute. If you put even one toy in it he practically falls over, but he loves to wear it, especially in the mornings after Anthony leaves for school wearing his backpack.


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