Monday, October 13, 2008

Fall fun

Well, at least for the time being th weather in San Diego is coordinating with what my idea of fall is, cool and breezy. This weekend was simply beautiful here so we took advantage and spent most of our time enjoying local festivities as well as the beach. Grandma Janis and Grandpa Gene are renting a condo in Oceanside right on the water for a couple months so we are enjoying have a "beach house" to go to when we need a break.

We of course had to do the obligatory pumpkin patch trip with the kids to pick out pumpkins, pet some goats, ride some rides, and give Joe terrible allergies. It wouldn't be Halloween time without a hay-induced allergy attack. We did have fun, though. Then we spent Sunday at the "beach house" playing on the beach and enjoying hamburgers on the grill. I will say this about San Diego, it sure is nice to be able to play in the ocean even in October!! The kids had such a great time. The big boys walked with daddy and Grandpa all the way down to the pier, onto the pier, and back, a good couple miles total.

Now it is Monday and we are back to the old routine of getting up early for school, trying to find things for Nicolas and Dominic to do during the day, and getting all my stuff done before I have to pick Anthony up from school. But it is nice to have a routine, I will say that.

Enjoy the pics.

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