Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Funny things our family does and says

Ok, I was inspired by Meghan (my sister in law) to document some of the funnier things that have been said and done in our house lately. Seems like they are never-ending, which keeps life interesting.

Let's see, let's start with Nicolas. He is so funny these days. He still isn't talking, well not understandably at least, yet, but he does say and do a few things that we think are just adorable. He can say up and pretty much anytime you get him from being by himself (so after naps and in the morning) that is the first thing he shows and tells you. He says up "unk". He also says dada and if you ask him to say mama he will always say dada. He thinks it is a game because he can say mama, he just saves it for when he is upset or needs something. (He obviously knows the go-to person,) He also claps and gets so excited when he sees his brothers. He is also signing. He says "eat" and "more" and "all done". The other two boys only used these signs when referring to food, but he signs "more" whenever he wants more of anything, like tickling, or silly noises, anything. So cute.

Dominic is our comedian. His imagination is so great and he is always quick to try and make you laugh if you are upset. For instance, last week Anthony was in trouble in his room and I asked Dom to stay out for a bit so I could chat in Anthony. Of course after about 10 seconds he comes running in and says "BREAD!" We all laughed. Then he said "take the 9 from 49." No idea what that means, but he thought it was hilarious.

Anthony, as always, is our little sponge, which can be good and bad, as this next story will indicate. Now I was not there for this particular instance but I am told that as he was trying to put his mitten back on in the snow he kept getting snow in it and was getting very frustrated and after struggling a bit blurted out "dammit." Not one of my prouder moments as a parent, but oh well. I am also tol that after he said it he laughed.

As some of you know we have a running list of "Benjyisms" which are generally some hilarious mixed metaphor, such as "I am at my wit's peak" etc. But this past weekend I added my own to the list. "He's not the sharpest tack in the shed." Dad, we really need to write that book. I think it would be hilarious. OK, tha's it.

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