Monday, February 18, 2008

Big Bear

Hi everyone. This past weekend we went up to Big Bear with Joe's family. It was perfect weather, not too cold but the snow hadn't really melted. The kids loved sledding and eating the snow, even the babies! Nico was a little frustrated with his snowsuit, but after a few runs in the baby sled I think he forgot all about it. Anthony started out a little hesitant at first, but by the last day was flying down the hills faster than anyone and loving every minute! Our condo was an adventure in itself. Built in the 70's it was well, very 70's. Our main question was, did they care about the safety of their children in the 70's? The stairs were the kind where you could see through as you walked up and the banister posts were perfectly spaced child-width apart. So, we had to get creative as far as baby-proofing went, but we managed to make the place relatively safe for the little ones. This was especially important since Gavin is walking and running all over and Nico started walking while we were there! He still would rather crawl, but I think seeing his cousin walking around inspired him to try a little harder. It was a great time, but we are home and very tired now. I am off to take a nap.

Enjoy the pics!

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