Thursday, February 21, 2008

More funny things our kids have said

I forgot to post this last time, but I was reading a book of Gavin's to all the kids and it had pictures of all kinds of things in it, animals, cars, food. There was a page with a basket of food and I was having Dom and Anthony tell me the food in the basket that they liked to eat. They couldn't identify one of the items, a squash, so I told them what it was. Later on Dom was repeating all the food he liked to eat and instead of saying squash, he said smash. So, that is what we call it in our house now. "More smash, please." I think it is pretty amazing that he even knows that those two words mean the same thing.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Funny things our family does and says

Ok, I was inspired by Meghan (my sister in law) to document some of the funnier things that have been said and done in our house lately. Seems like they are never-ending, which keeps life interesting.

Let's see, let's start with Nicolas. He is so funny these days. He still isn't talking, well not understandably at least, yet, but he does say and do a few things that we think are just adorable. He can say up and pretty much anytime you get him from being by himself (so after naps and in the morning) that is the first thing he shows and tells you. He says up "unk". He also says dada and if you ask him to say mama he will always say dada. He thinks it is a game because he can say mama, he just saves it for when he is upset or needs something. (He obviously knows the go-to person,) He also claps and gets so excited when he sees his brothers. He is also signing. He says "eat" and "more" and "all done". The other two boys only used these signs when referring to food, but he signs "more" whenever he wants more of anything, like tickling, or silly noises, anything. So cute.

Dominic is our comedian. His imagination is so great and he is always quick to try and make you laugh if you are upset. For instance, last week Anthony was in trouble in his room and I asked Dom to stay out for a bit so I could chat in Anthony. Of course after about 10 seconds he comes running in and says "BREAD!" We all laughed. Then he said "take the 9 from 49." No idea what that means, but he thought it was hilarious.

Anthony, as always, is our little sponge, which can be good and bad, as this next story will indicate. Now I was not there for this particular instance but I am told that as he was trying to put his mitten back on in the snow he kept getting snow in it and was getting very frustrated and after struggling a bit blurted out "dammit." Not one of my prouder moments as a parent, but oh well. I am also tol that after he said it he laughed.

As some of you know we have a running list of "Benjyisms" which are generally some hilarious mixed metaphor, such as "I am at my wit's peak" etc. But this past weekend I added my own to the list. "He's not the sharpest tack in the shed." Dad, we really need to write that book. I think it would be hilarious. OK, tha's it.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Big Bear

Hi everyone. This past weekend we went up to Big Bear with Joe's family. It was perfect weather, not too cold but the snow hadn't really melted. The kids loved sledding and eating the snow, even the babies! Nico was a little frustrated with his snowsuit, but after a few runs in the baby sled I think he forgot all about it. Anthony started out a little hesitant at first, but by the last day was flying down the hills faster than anyone and loving every minute! Our condo was an adventure in itself. Built in the 70's it was well, very 70's. Our main question was, did they care about the safety of their children in the 70's? The stairs were the kind where you could see through as you walked up and the banister posts were perfectly spaced child-width apart. So, we had to get creative as far as baby-proofing went, but we managed to make the place relatively safe for the little ones. This was especially important since Gavin is walking and running all over and Nico started walking while we were there! He still would rather crawl, but I think seeing his cousin walking around inspired him to try a little harder. It was a great time, but we are home and very tired now. I am off to take a nap.

Enjoy the pics!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Our life as of today

Hi all. I realized the other day that it has been a while since I last posted anything on here so I thought I would catch everyone up on our lives.

As a family we are currently looking for a bigger home. We have several options for doing this and will let you know when anything changes. Right now our goal is to find a renter for our current house and then go from there. It is scary and exciting and a much needed change as 5 people in our little 3 bedroom/1 bathroom house is just getting too crowded.

Individually some of us are changing dramatically and some of us haven't changed at all. I will start with the most impressive changes firts. Nicolas continues to be our "biggest littlest guy." He is 10 months but already wearing 12-18 month clothes. He is far surprassing his brothers in height, weight, and sheer girth at this same age. He is very close to walking, he will take one or two tentative steps and then fall, but don't think that keeps him from getting into trouble. He has some sort of special baby radar that allows him to hear, within mili-seconds, when a door has been opened and not re-shut or when one of the baby gates has been left open. He uses this same radar to snatch his borthers' toys when they aren't paying attention. He is simply a joy to have around, though, very happy and content, albeit very busy and very strong! When he wants something, he will try very hard to get it or keep it when you try to take it away. He is constantly talking and babbling which is adorable but can also be a little annoying when you are trying to talk on the phone. He is learning sign language and knows how to say "more" and "eat" and he will point up when you ask him where up is. Although, he points up when you ask him where anything is, so we aren't sure if he knows up or doesn't know anything and just points up because he likes to. We may never know

Dominic is a constant surprise lately. About three weeks ago we were at Target and he says "that sign says 'eexit'". Low and behold he as reading the exit sign. So, we have been working with him on sounding out othe words and he loves it! Anthony is also enjoying teaching his brother how to read and it is so fun to watch them learn together. In addition to learning to read Dom is excelling in school in all areas, he knows all his shapes and colors and months and days. He is understanding simple math concepts. He loves music and singing and dancing

Anthony is our little scholar. He loves to read and reads pretty much anything you give him. He is perfctly content to read a book rather than run around and play outside, so in that respect he definitely takes after me. He is learning to write his letters in a straight line and all the same size which has proven kind of a challenge for him. But he tries and tries and never gets frustrated, he just erases and starts over again. He loves to play with Nicolas and all three boys spend more time in Nico's room than in the older boys' room. Of course they definitely have their moments when they just want to play "big boy" games and they shut their door and Nicolas must find something else to do, but much of the time they are all together and it is so much fun to watch.

The adults in the house haven't changed all that much. Joe's business continues to grow and develop in new and exciting ways. He is very busy, which is good and bad, but he loves his job which makes it nice. He doesn't come home happy to be away from the office, he comes home and wants to keep going because it is so energizing and exciting to him! He work is kind of like his hobby too.

I am still home with the boys, although once we get a new house that may change, we shall see. I am putting feelers out for several different types of jobs and if the Lord wants me working He will make it clear and give me a sense of peace. I am doing photography when I have time and have stepped back from that business a little bit as I wasn't able to put as much time or money into and needed to be put andin fairness needed to let Lesley run with it, which she is doing! There will be a new website soon, so I will let you all know about that.