Sunday, January 20, 2008

San Diego zoo

Hi everyone. Just wanted to share some photos from our trip to the zoo yesterday. We had tons of fun. It was the babies first time and they loved it! I think we all could have watched the orangutans and chimps all day. Anyway, enjoy.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

32 years young

So, I turned 32 yesterday. It is even hard for me to believe since I still feel like a freshman in college sometimes (until I actually see freshman in college and then I realize, wow, I really am old.) Anyway, it was a pretty uneventful day, as it was a Monday, but, there were still a few surprises and some fun to be had. The day went as usual, kids to school, errands to run with Nicolas, etc etc. Joe came home a bit early since we were planning on going out to dinner as a family. He came home and asked if I wanted my present. Um, YES!!! So he goes to the car, makes a lot of noise (which I thought was a cover for something) and then comes in with.......
Yes, he got me/us two kitties! They are really cute but still very skiddish so hopefully they will warm up to such a noisy bunch. We still aren't sure if we are going to keep them. The people said they would take them back if it didn't work out, but I have really been missing our kitties lately. Their names are Zima (for one of Joe's old cats, that is the one on the left) and Gnocchi is the colorful one. Zima is a boy and Gnocchi is a girl. So, not a bad surprise if I do say so myself. So far they have spent most of their first day hiding in the their litter box. They did eat, so that is good and I am just leaving it up to them to come out when they feel ready. It might take them a while to get used to the house and the kids but the boys are so excited!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What the new year holds

Resolutions. I love the idea, hate the execution. So this year Joe and I tried to make resolutions we might actually keep. Barring the obligatory "lose weight" and "get in shape", we made resolutions that could only be carried out if we all work together. So, in a round about sort of way, our resolutions will hopefully also bring us closer as a family.

They are pretty simple, really, things we do anyway, but our resolutions strive to help us do them better. Here they are in no order of importance:

Every has a place, everything in its place.

Use the phone rather than emailing or texting

Spend more time together as a family

So, in an attempt to keep our resolutions we tried to incorporate our wishes for Christmas into our resolutions. Here is what I mean. In order to encourage time spent together as a family, and I also mean encouraging the kids to play together as well, we asked for gifts like a tent for camping, board games for the kids, toys the kids have to use together or they aren't any fun, etc.

As for organization, we spent some of our christmas money on organizational items, like storage bins, and used them ASAP to store our Christmas decorations in a tidy manner for once. Up until now we had decorations scattered about the garage and attic in old diaper boxes which were falling apart.

As for using the phone or talking in person before emailing, well, that one is pure will power, and let me tell you, it is hard. I mean, I feel guilty even writing this blog. But, hopefully all of these resolutions will bring us closer to each other and our extended family and friends. Hey, if you have a tent, why not come camping with us?!!

May all your new years wishes come true.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas and New Years with Johnsons

Hi everyone. Ok, I am pretty sure this will be my last post that involves Christmas or New Years, so I will try to make it extra meaty.

My parents arrived a few days before New Years and we have had a wonderful time playing with the kids. We went bowling, which was a big hit! The boys have been before but this was the first time they actually did it all by themselves, carried the ball to the lane, put it down, pushed it, watched it roll, and roll, and roll, and roll, bump of the bumpers, roll and roll, and knock down pins!! It was so much fun to watch their excitement. The adults didn't fare too well, but had a great time anyway. Nico slept through most of it, but woke up in time to make some funny faces and play with a bowling ball in daddy's lap.

As a birthday present to himself Joe bought a Mexican chimney for our patio outside. We also got a tent as a family Christmas present and we put it up for practice in our side yard. With some help from Grandpa Bernie, an avid camper, we managed to get the tent up and the boys were so excited! So, they played in the tent while daddy set up the fire outside and we sat around the fire and drank champagne and ate s'mores. Not a bad New Years Eve if I do say so myself. My parents ended up leaving before midnight, but Joe and I stayed up and rang in the new year, well, we stayed up, kissed at midnight, and went to bed. But it was the first time in a long time I have stayed up for new years, so I was pretty proud of myself! Today we had breakfast at the OPH (Original Pancake House) which was yummy! Grandpa Bernie had to leave but Grandma Pat is staying a few more days we we are hoping to hit the beach, maybe shop a little, and just enjoy having her around.

As an added surprise, Joe's good friend Dave came into town and gave Joe a tour of one of the cruise ships he has worked on as well as meeting us for dinner. It is always nice to see old friends and I know JOe really enjoyed spending time with Dave, oh, and the boys have a new best friend. Enjoy the pics. I tried to keep them in order of what I wrote above. Love you all!

SO, here are some pics of the festivities. Enjoy and happy new year to all.