Thursday, May 13, 2010

National Kid Appreciation Day

Ok, so it isn’t a real holiday, but it should be.  We all love our kids and tell them we love them and show them we love them most everyday, but how often do we sit back and appreciate them?  I mean, of course I say please and thank you to my kids partly out of wanting to display good manners and partly to teach them to do the same.  And here is where the appreciation part comes in…they actually do it!!  So, in honor of the first ever National Kids Appreciation Day as declared by Emily Spinozzi I would like to list all of the things I appreciate about my children.

1.  They say please and thank you.
2.  They thank me for their meals (this is huge, they always say
“thanks mom” when I put their food in front of them)
3.  Anthony, I appreciate how you will apologize after throwing a fit
4.  Nicolas, I appreciate how you hand your trash to me in the car, or anywhere for that matter, rather than just throwing it on the floor or ground
5.  Dom, I appreciate that you still like to cuddle with me and whenever I am sitting on the couch or lying in bed and you find me you will curl up next to me
6.  I appreciate that the big boys can take showers and clean themselves now
7.  I appreciate that the potty trained ones in the family don’t leave the seat up
8.  I appreciate that all three kids remember to wash their hands after using the bathroom without being reminded
9.  I appreciate how helpful Anthony and Dom are with their little brother, and also with their younger cousins. 
10.  And most of all, I appreciate how wonderful they are as members of our family!! 

Give some appreciation to the kids in your life!!  It is one thing to love them, it is another to appreciate them.  Be sure to let them know you feel both. 

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