Friday, December 25, 2009

It's Christmas, everyone's miserable

Well, not everyone, but it was close. So, what started out with Nico on Tuesday has now spread to me, Anthony, Dom, and Grandma and who knows where it may end up. As if getting the stomach flu isn't bad enough, but getting it at Christmas, well, it isn't what I asked for that is for sure. However, by some miracle no one was sick this morning for presents. Thankfully those who needed to be sick waited until after nap time. I have done more loads of sheets and laundry in the last 4 days than I care to count, cleaned up more than my share of messes on carpets and pillows, and definitely done my time in the super gross diaper department.

But to say it was a terrible Christmas wouldn't be true. The family was together, the kids laughed and smiled and are still playing with their gifts into the evening, and as of 4 or so no one has gotten sick, so things could be worse. I just feel bad that the kids weren't really feeling perfect for the day, but they soldiered through like they always do. They definitely handled it better than I did!

So, I am praying this super bug, whatever it may be, is on its way out of our home and off to terrorize some other unsuspecting family because it has overstayed its unwelcome!

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and could find the blessings amid the rubble that often clouds our lives. Christ was born, Praise the Lord!

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