Monday, December 15, 2008

Why kids are awesome

OK, so it is raining in San Diego today. It is raining lots of places today, but when it rains in SoCal it is as if we are experiencing the great flood. People forget how to drive, we have no rain gear whatsoever, I will admit to wearing flip flops to the store this morning. I soon changed into my boots. Anyway, needless to say, when it rains things get strange, and people get mean and grumpy. This was the first day that Anthony went to school in the rain which meant a host of things would be different. Living in CA means that much of the school day activities take place outside; lunch, PE, snack, etc. So, all of that was different today. However, the toughest part of the day was getting there to pick Anthony up. I got there early so I could park closer to the school, and even then it is quite a trek to the door. Kinderarteners require a parent to meet them at the door, which means, there were plenty of parents waiting in their warm cars while all the kindergarten parents were getting drenched. Anyway, I got there early, parked, and Dominic, Nicolas and I waited in the warm car until the last minute. The rain was POURING, and it was windy which meant an umbrella was basically useless. The puddles were brutal. There was no way to stay even a little bit dry. So, as I am running through the downpour, getting drenched from top to bottom, I look back to see if Dom is following me closely. He has the umbrella. Everyone around is screaming, complaining, running as fast as they can to get inside, but not Dom. Dom is laughing his brains out because the wind keeps catching the umbrella and pulling him backwards. He could care less that he shoes and pants are soaked through, that mommy and Nico are drenched. He is enjoying the moment and finding the joy even in the rain. So Nico and I stopped and laughed along with him, we only got slightly more soaked, and then the bell rang.

1 comment:

Rench Family said...

Oh such a cute story! Dom IS the bomb! I could picture it all in my mind like a funny movie. Glad you guys could get some enjoyment and laughs out of that crazy time! It's funny to hear it from a parent's perspective...