Monday, July 11, 2011

More observations and some facts

Oh my, that is pretty much all I can say at the moment.  For a while there I thought I had this three kid thing down to a science, then summer vacation happened. I never realized how amazing it is to have kids in school and to get 5 hours a day, 5 days a week to I recover from the weekend and get ready for the next one.  Summer vacation throws a wrench into that whole, beautiful routine.

Anyway, we are now about a month into our vacation and we have already gone to Hawaii, the big boys did a week long day camp where they went to Legoland every day, and we had a fun 4th of July extended weekend at Grandma’s house.  There were some bumps along the way but those are for another time.  This is our first week with nothing planned and at 9 am on Monday I am already struggling with what to do with the kids!  Well, let me clarify, what FREE things I can do with the kids.  We have ridden the trolley and had a picnic twice and might do that again, but three kids makes pretty much anything an expensive adventure, even just going to lunch let alone someplace like the Zoo.  So, if you have any creative ideas for things to do with three active boys on a summer day, please let me know, I will try anything! 

Now, on to some more observations. 
1.  I just recently started eating and liking things I always hated as a kid.  Things like peppers and onions and different spices and flavorings.  So, don’t worry if your kids don’t like veggies now, they will when they are 35. 
2.  I would really like to see pictures of the people who comment in magazines about celebrities in their bathing suits in THEIR bathing suits.  People in glass houses. 
3.  I am not a fun person to be around when I am hungry or tired, not even to myself!  I really need to remember to carry snacks around, and maybe a pillow.
4.  I recently washed a crayon in the laundry and ruined some nice things.  I tried all of the tricks online to get it out.  None of them worked.  My observation….don’t wash crayons in the laundry.
5.  Our kitty has an affinity for feet, mine especially.  He bites them while I eat, he sleeps on them at night, and chases them as I walk around the house.  I have lost count of how many times he been kicked or tripped over or pushed off something.
6.  You know that old saying “kids these days"?  Well, it’s true.  Once your kids start school you realize just how kids are these days.  It is sad what they are picking up from their classmates, but even more sad that it is pretty standard for kids as young as 6 to know some of the things they do. 
7.  No matter how often I clean off my desk of all the papers and junk it just comes right back almost immediately.  I now think paper has some chemical property that allows it to reproduce like bunnies. 
8.  Just recently had to pay $10 a seat to get assigned seats on a plane.  Yes, that is in addition to actually buying the seats.  If you are doing the math that is $50 extra dollars just to make sure my kids aren’t sitting alone next to some stranger.  Thanks Sun Country. 
That’s all for now.