Friday, February 4, 2011

Photos of the day and some other stuff

Hey all.  Ok, so hopefully I will get all the pics I missed into this blog.  I have been putting them on facebook but keep forgetting to put them here too.  I have missed a few days as well because I along with the kids have been sick.  Thankfully we are all doing much better now, although the Murrieta branch of the family isn’t faring to well.  Hope you guys feel better soon!

Nicolas the super hero?  He came up with this outfit on all his own.



Cool old car we saw at Old Poway Park

  So, you may wonder why the kids are so smiley….
And this is why…


We got a kitty!  It is a male who we still have to name, 6 mos old, and very sweet when he isn’t freaked out.  He is still getting used to the house, but is super cuddly and playful when he is in his room (laundry) and surrounded by the kids.  I give him a week to feel like the entire house is his castle (all but the guest room, keep that one kitty free).  So far he doesn’t seem to shed at all and his coat is really pretty.  I will take more pics once he feels more comfy.  I know this comes as a big shock, but we have wanted a pet for a long time and a dog just seemed like too big a responsibility right now and so far Joe’s allergies have been mild at most.  We will have a steady supply of Zyrtec on hand for any visitors who might feel the affects, but the kids could not be more excited (and Joe and I are too).  Any name suggestions would be great.  So far the kids have offered up Pouty, Steve, Mario, Jack Black, and Mr. Spinozzi.