Friday, July 9, 2010

Cell phones and yankee doodle

I am finding it hard to believe it is actually July, not simply for the fact that summer is flying by, but also for the fact that it has felt more like Seattle in September here than San Diego in July.  It is almost like a kick in the head to live here and wake up and think, nope, can’t go to the beach today, July 9th, IT’S TOO COLD!  But, we did see the sun for a short time today, so hopefully that means we are on our way out of this weather funk and back to our old San Diego. 

So that leads me to my other big news (not really, but there wasn’t a good transition), I got a new cell phone.  Now, I am not what you would call a “cell phone” person.  I don’t have a job that requires me to have a phone ready for use at all times, I am not a super important celebrity who must tweet and text the minutiae of my life all the time, and I am not at all cool enough for an iPhone.  But, Joe got a new phone that had a couple features I thought were pretty cool but in no way did I think I would ever have a phone that could do any of them!  Now, I already have a Blackberry, purple nonetheless, which I thought was pretty cool, already way out of my league phone-wise, so even the thought of another phone seemed utterly ridiculous to

me.  But here I am, the proud new owner of an HTC Incredible, which is just that, incredible.  I can read books, take great photos, map my runs using gps, and make grocery lists that link to recipes!!  I also have a virtual coin I can flip whenever the boys are having a hard time taking turns.  Now, I certainly do not think I am worthy of this phone, in fact, I hesitate to use it when I am out and about for fear that people will point and accuse me of “phoning beyond my coolness” or some other such thing.  But mostly I just really really love it and love that Joe was sweet enough to surprise me with one at a totally unexpected time.  But I still know that I will never be cool enough for an iPhone.

Yankee Doodle, yes, I was getting there.  Well, most of you know it was the 4th of July last weekend.  We were all a bit out of sorts this year as our tradition the last several years has been to spend the 4th in Bakersfield lighting our own fireworks and eating way too much junk food.  But this year marks a new turning point in the lives of Joe’s parents and so we ended up spending the 4th weekend up in Murrieta and down here.  It ended up being really fun!  On the 3rd we went up to where Erin and Joe’s parents live and Janis taught the boys a few patriotic songs, got them matching shirts, and they put on an adorable little show for us.  We popped party poppers and waved flags and ate a very patriotic dessert of strawberries, blueberries, and whip cream.  Then on the 4th we watched fireworks at a local high school with some friends and had a really great time.  But that isn’t the entire yankee doodle story.  Yesterday I was driving in the car with the boys and Nicky started singing yankee doodle.  The other boys joined in and then all of a sudden Anthony says, “let’s sing it DJ style!”  He proceeded to rap the song, complete with hand motions like he was scratching a record in a dj booth, and ended the song with “aw yeah.”  I almost had to pull over I was laughing so hard.  Delightful, simply delightful!  