Sunday, April 25, 2010

Before you say anything…

let me say that I KNOW IT HAS BEEN MORE THAN A WEEK SINCE I WROTE LAST!  So, one of my new years resolutions is down the tubes.  I will blame it on me trying to keep another of my resolutions, running a half marathon.  Training has now become fun, but as my endurance goes up, so must my run time and length, which is hard to do in the gym with a 30 minute limit on cardio machines and even harder to do when your hubby doesn’t get home until dark.  So, I do what I can when I can, but I am running every day but Sundays.  And I must say, I finally like to run!  I have also learned what the hardest part of any run is for me and what I can and can’t eat before a run.  Unfortunately, the first mile is the toughest part for me, and this could be in part due to the fact that when I do my long run on Sat. the first mile is almost all uphill slightly, so I have come to loathe it, but then look forward to the rest of the run that is lovingly either downhill or flat, until of course the last mile, which is uphill again.  So, that answers that.  As for eating, I of course have started to eat carbs again since it is hard to train and NOT eat carbs.  My body was just too tired and run down.  So, I am learning which things are good to eat and which aren’t.  It is all a learning curve, but I am certainly enjoying pasta and bread again and enjoying even more so making bread again! 

Ok, enough about me.  Let’s move on to the real stars of the show, the kids.  Let’s see, the big boys have started league soccer and had their first game this Sat.  Joe is coaching Dom’s team and they won (even though they don’t keep score at the YMCA) and Dom scored 4 of the 5 goals.  Anthony’s team didn’t win but he did great as goalie, blocking several goals, and also on defense.  Perhaps he has found his niche.  They both had fun which is what it is all about at this point, so it was a great day.  Nicolas is our little comedian these days.  Now that he is talking and expressing himself better he just says the best stuff!  The other day he was making tooting noises with his mouth and I laughed a few times and then asked him to stop and he responded with “you’re just jealous of me.”  Perhaps he was right.  He is also the king of pretend play. Whether he is making his trains crash or breakdown or zooming his cars around a pretend track, he uses his imagination far more than his brothers ever did at this age.  It is so fun to see all three of them play together.  Like I have said before, they have built in play dates everyday!  We try to remind them often just how lucky they are to have brothers.  Those are the friends that you will have forever, so treat them well. 

Joe continues to have more work than they can handle at Cyth, which is a blessing and a curse.  His company fills an interesting niche in this economy.  As companies downsize they look for ways to continue output without having to hire as many people back, which is where Joe’s company comes in.  They allow companies to automate more of their manufacturing.  So, business continues to grow and we feel so blessed. 

I have been thinking and praying a lot lately about homeschooling the boys once Nico is in school full time.  I want him to experience some public school and feel like starting the older two in homeschool while he is in kindergarten might be the perfect transition time.  There is just no telling what is going to happen with education and judging by what has already happened and what will happen next year, at least in San Diego, it doesn’t look good.  So, I am researching and talking to friends who homeschool and am getting kind of excited!  It will allow for so much more exploring of our city and learning hands on  more than public education ever could.  I just feel like my kids deserve the best and while the public school system perhaps had the best intentions at one point, now it is getting the short end of the stick.