Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Time!

Well, the holidays have officially started in the Spinozzi house. This year Halloween has been especially fun since all three boys get the idea of trick or treating. We have decorated the house a lot more and just had a lot of fun gearing up for the big night. On Halloween morning Anthony started asking at 7 am how many hours until we go trick or treating? There were even a few tears shed when he was told that going trick or treating at 1 pm wouldn't result in any candy, people wouldn't be ready.

So, we dressed up our Star Wars heroes and went over to our friends' house to trick or treat in their much more kid-friendly neghborhood. The boys had a blast and came away with more candy than I have ever seen! Then we came back here and Joe took them around our neighborhood for a little while while I gave out candy. We had kids coming until about 9 pm! it was a lot of fun to see all the costumes. There were some pretty great ones.

Enjoy the pics