Monday, August 31, 2009

My first wedding shoot!

Hey all. I just did my first wedding shoot this past weekend and wanted to share a few of my pics. They are in no particular order as I am still editing and organizing them. I had so much fun and learned alot. These were friends of ours and they were so gracious to let me get my sea legs so to speak at their wonderful wedding! I just might be able to do this again! Enjoy!

Monday, August 3, 2009

It's August already?!

I can hardly believe how fast the summer has flown by. I feel like just yesterday Anthony had his last day of kindergarten and we were making plans for what we would do during his time off. Well, we have done plenty it seems and while I feel like I could use three more months of summer, I am also really excited about the school year ahead and what it will be like having a first grader! Yes, my first born is going to be in first grade, he is going to be SEVEN on September 16th! It is so hard to believe. But the saying does hold true, time really does fly.

Perhaps the best part of the summer has been watching the all three boys really bond and become friends. Nicolas is finally at an age where he can, sort of, play with his big brothers and whether he is actually participating or not, he tries his hardest to join in with their games. Anthony is always ready to let him play and is so patient and kind to his little bro. Dom is just happy to have another kid to rough house with, and Nico is definitely the one for the job! Anthony tends to shy away from games like that but Nico joins right in and I fear that in not too many years he will be pass both is brothers in height and weight! I am already preparing myself for the fact that he will most likely be on the football team as some sort of linebacker. The kid is made of bricks, I swear!

So far this summer we have been to Bakersfield twice ( I am there now as a matter of fact), I have gone to Pittsburgh to see old friends, Joe has gone to Austin for his yearly trade show, and we have made numerous trips to the beach which has been so fun! Grandma Pat will be coming at the end of the month for a couple weeks as well. It is so wonderful to spend time wtih family. I hope you all know that our home is always open should you need a getaway! We love having company. The older boys are little fish this year and I think next year we will finally have all three really swimming and we can start trying new things like boogie boarding and surfing. I can't wait!

As they grow the things they think and say get better and better. Anthony is still a sponge and is so eager to learn new things. He is also learning some tougher lessons as well and while there have been some tough times in this ragard, he is becoming such a young man. Learning that your actions have consequences is HUGE and he is starting to really understand the concept.

Dom is, well, Dom is something else. I have heard many times this trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house how much he reminds Grandma Janis of Joey at the same age. Full of energy and lacking in common sense much of the time. But his smile and sweet words make up for it most of the time. Dom is always quick to complement your outfit or tell you he loves you with no prompting. He lives by emotion and sometimes this is great and sometimes I am cringing wondering if we will soon be making a trip to the emergency room.

Nicolas continues to make us laugh at every turn. His new favorite thing is singing the Speed Racer theme song. I have a video I will post soon of all three singing and it is hilarious! But he still loves his guitar and singing songs and watching Looney Tunes (that is what we are doing right now as a matter of fact) and pretending to read his books. His vocabulary grows daily which is so much fun. It is a whole new world when your child can finally communicate with you and you can understand them! No more guessing what he is trying to say.

Joe's business is going well despite the economy. There are always lean times when you own your own company but he and his partner have built such a great company that it will be tough for them to fail. They have a great group of employees who are dedicated and loyal, so loyal that recently they all agreed to go unpaid for two weeks to save expenses!! Happily everyone is back to work full time and there is more work than employees!! That is the kind of problem you want to have.

Well, I hope I have caught you all up enough. We love you all!