Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What the kids are saying

Well, I am sure I will forget most of the awesome things my kids have sad recently, but I will try to recount as much as I can.

Going in order from most recent :

1. While playing with his little friend Maddy (a girl) Dom said, "Let's play dinosaurs!" Maddy replied "Yeah!" So Dom started walking like a raptor with claws and teeth out, and Maddy started prancing like a princess. Now the game has turned into "house" with dinosaurs with Dom as the baby dinosaur.

2. When sitting down to lunch with said princess dinosaur Dom said "I want to sit by Maddy because she is beautiful."

3. All three boys LOVE Looney Tunes and watch them all the time. Nicolas is especially a fan and quotes it all the time. He will randomly say "rabbit season rabbit season!" or "you're dispicable (of course he doesn't get that quite right which makes it so much funnier)".

4. The other day I was telling the boys who were upstairs at the time that they needed to be cleaning their room. I was standing downstairs near the banister. Nico stood next to me and just yelled and repeated everything I said. Then about 5 minutes after I had left that spot he went back and told the boys a few more things he wanted them to do. He ended his request with "ok?" yelled as loudly as he could.

5. Nico has started calling me "mom" for some reason, so when he does that I say "I'm mommy" to which he quickly replies "I'm Nikki!"

That is all I can remember at the moment. Hope they made you smile.