Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's the little things

It has been way too long. I won't waste time with excuses but will instead get right to the good stuff. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy having three boys? Well, I do. Boys have a special way of making everything more exciting, and dirty, and wondrous. Any stick can be a light saber, every bug is a dinosaur fossil, and blowing bubbles becomes a contact sport. One of our great joys right now is watching Nicolas grow into a big boy. He is talking all the time and the things he says, and sings (he is our little musician) almost always make us smile. He has this little toy guitar (a miniature of a real acoustic) and he carries it around playing and singing songs like "Happy Birthday, "I Like to Eat, Eat Apples and Bananas," and "Old McDonald." Oh, he also loves the song from the Bumble Bee tuna commercial (I like bumble bee, bumble bee tuna...). He sings in bed as he falls asleep, he sings in the car, he sings all the time. And when he isn't singing he is saying "mommy, watch this" and then he does something silly, like pretend a toy car is his guitar, or he says "mommy, look" and then points out something obvious like Dominic sitting on the couch. The best is when he gets into a silly contest with one of his brothers and they fall down giggling. Boys are awesome!

I am also truly enjoying introducing my kids to new things. This morning I put on an old "gray" movie, as Dom called it, with Cary Grant. Dom has been sitting on the couch watching it with me for almost an hour and h e LOVES it! By the way, it is called "Topper" and I highly recommend it. Very funny. One of my favorite times of the day is any time I am in the car with all three. I know, that sounds crazy!!! But it is one of the only times I have their complete attention and they really listen. We talk about God, math, superheroes, and karate. Yesterday we talked about odd and even numbers and addition and they didn't want to stop!! Sometimes Dom or Anthony will ask a really deep question like, where does God live? Then of course Nico has to chime in with "mommy, look, tractor."

Three boys might seem like a lot, but for us it is just right.