Monday, May 26, 2008

Our new home

Hi all. Ok, I know I posted pics of another home in my last post, but this time it is for real, I promise!!! I actually don't have pics yet, I will get some when I have a chance, in between all the packing, keeping the kids out of the boxes, making sure I don't pack anything too important yet like diapers, wipes, or matchbox cars. But, we do have a place to live, so our packing is not in vain. There was about a week there where we weren't sure, we had a renter for this place but we hadn't found a place yet. So, we can breathe a sigh of relief in that regard, but now we have to pack like little Christmas elves in order to get things ready in time. Ok, I exaggerate a bit, we aren't moving until the 8th, but still, having lived in this house 8 years, you can imagine the accumulation of "stuff" we having going on. Not to mention having three kids and all their stuff!! But, it is definitely a great way to weed out the things you don't want or need. Somehow realizing that if you choose to keep that picture frame that has been in a dusty closet for 5 years you will have to wrap it in paper, find space in a box, and then unpack it and find another empty space in a closet helps you decide. I am not keeping that particular frame, in case you all were wondering. But then there are things like the kids' clothes, which Nico might be able to wear eventually, or maybe not seeing as how he can already wear some of Dom's clothes right now!!! The kid is a bruiser. But I think God knows what he is doing seeing as how he already gets pushed around by his older brothers. The retribution will come when he is 5 inches taller than them and 50 pounds heavier!! But I also see him being kind of a teddy bear. He usually walks away from conflict and just finds something else to do.

Anyway, back to moving. So, I don't know if you remember the photos I posted of the kitchen when we redid the cabinets? Well, imagine that, only the ENTIRE HOUSE! There are boxes and stuff everywhere as we decide what stays, what goes, and what will remain packed until we actually find a house to buy. Oh, did I mention that we are renting the house we are moving into so we can save some money and wait for prices to drop a little more? Well, we are, so yes, I am a glutton and have actually agreed to moving TWICE in what could end up being 6 months!!! I will be sure to write from the loony bin. I currently have a goosebump on the top of my head from slamming into an opened cabinet door, I haven't eaten anything but coffee today, and I am not sure if I packed the rest of the toilet paper or not and the roll is almost gone. So, I guess you could say I am a bit scattered at the moment, and on a bit of a caffeine high. The two do not mix all that well. Did anyone watch Saturday Night Live with Steve Carrell this week? You know his opening monologue where he said he drank a bunch of Red Bulls and ate candy before coming out? Well, at one point he said he could only see the color yellow and could feel all his internal organs. That is a little how I feel right now.

Ok, I better get back to work before Joe and the boys get home and things really get ugly, I mean, busy. But we will keep you up to date on our progress and I will post pics in a bit of the house as we pack and move, and the new place.

Love to you all!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Moving at the speed of light

At least that is what it feels like. I know it has been a while since I updated everyone on our housing situation. So, here goes. We found a renter, got all the paperwork signed today, deposit check in hand. So, that is finalized. Now it comes down to the fact that we need to be out of this house by June15th which means we either need to find a rental of our own for a few months or we need to find a house in this next week!!! AT any rate, it is all very exciting and scary all at the same time, but most things like this are, so we are just going with the flow. Ideally, if we rent something, we would like to rent in the area we plan to buy in so Anthony can start school and not have to transfer, etc. WE have found several buying options and several rental options we like, so it all looks good. Here are a couple pics of a house we REALLY like. We put in a low-ball offer, but you never know. Just to give you an idea of what we like and what we are looking for.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dolce Bambino, it's not just for babies anymore

Now you can purchase mommy things too! Well, just purses and totes right now, but I am trying to expand my client base a bit. Anyway, here are some of my latest items. By the way, the totes are reversable wtih coordinating stripe fabrics on the other side.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Camping with friends!

Well, we went on our first family camping trip this past weekend. I will admit, I was a little nervous, mostly on what we would do with the baby during camp fires and cooking but we managed. The boys had a great time, especially since we were there were friends so they had playmates the whole weekend. The place was nice, with bathrooms and showers, not just port a potties and hoses. The beach was just around the corner so we spent most of Saturday playing in the sand. We are excited to go again and refine our skills a bit. There some things we forgot or didn't bring so we will be much more prepared next time around, but for the most part we did pretty well for a first time camping trip with all the kids. Enjoy the pics!" height="475" width="600" style="width:600px;height:475px">" />

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sea World

Hi everyone. Living in San Diego definitely has its benefits, benefits which I am embarrassed to say, our family does not take advantage of nearly enough. But, sometimes we get it right and do what Southern Californians are supposed to do. So, yesterday we went to Sea World and had a great time. Auntie Erin, Uncle Benjy, Gavin, and Grandma Janis were there. It was kind of a cold day, which is strange since it has been super hot here lately, but on the upside, it wasn't crowded at all. So here, are some pics. Enjoy!